Image & Reputation Tips

Read these 19 Image & Reputation Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Office tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What should I wear to work?

Clothing for Your Job

Buy clothes that fit your job. If you're not sure what is suitable attire, check with your supervisor or human resources management as to the type of clothes you should wear.

What should I do when I´m really upset?

Control Your Conduct

Want to be taken more seriously on the job? Then, don't use vulgarities or swear words. Crying, shouting and other emotional outbursts will also detract from your professional image. If you're uncontrollably sad or angry, close your door or go to the rest room until you've regained control.

What is a healthy attitude to have in the workplace?

Positive Attitude in Workplace

Being positive at work costs nothing, but can pay off in helping you overcome obstacles. Make an effort to be enthusiastic— smile and be friendly with co-workers, supervisors, and customers. By being positive you encourage others to overcome their own obstacles. It's a self-perpetuating phenomenon!

What is important in interacting with the public?

Use the Golden Rule

Consideration of others' feelings is important in the workplace. When interacting with co-workers or customers, remember to always treat others as you yourself would like to be treated.

How do I present myself when first meeting someone?

Presenting Yourself

Did you know that 30 seconds is about all it takes for most people to make judgments about you? Armed with this knowledge, use that time wisely to make a good "first impression." A positive image and appearance do not replace skills, but may help you get a chance to show what you can do.

What is not acceptable on dress-down days?

Dress-Down Don'ts

Don't use casual dress day at work as an excuse to be slovenly. Stay away from sweatpants, sweatshirts and ripped or worn jeans and grungy sneakers. Other bad choices would be any revealing or otherwise overly sexy clothes. Business casual dress is not the same as casual dress.

How can I handle stress better?

Become More Resilient

Experts believe that personal resilience may in part be a matter of genetics, but even if we`re not "born" resilient, we may be able to improve our resilience. They key lies in strengthening our belief in ourself. Resilient people are able to externalize blame and internalize success. The more healthy our psyche, the better our success in today`s working world.

How can I be taken more seriously at work?

Don't Keep 'Em Waiting!

Avoid having personal conversations when a client or superior is waiting. This can include phone conversations or talking in person to others. If you want to be taken seriously on the job, take your work seriously and give it your first priority.

What is acceptable attire on dress-down Fridays?

Deciding What to Wear for Dress-Down Day

Not sure what's appropriate for casual dress days at the office? Observe the choices made by management (or the boss) and take your cues from there. Casual dress day does not mean free dress day. Clothing choices should still be neat, businesslike and professional.

What is appopriate casual day dress for men?

Casual Days for Men's Wear

Author and consultant Ann Marie Sabath recommends these guidelines for men's business dress: If men are wearing an open necked dress shirt on “casual days”, they should wear V-neck undershirts, not crew-necked ones; leave the last button open on their sports coats when they've buttoned the middle or upper two; wear leather-soled shoes rather than rubber-soled ones; knot their ties so the tips reach their belt buckles; and wear a dress watch with dress clothes, not the sporty scuba-diving model they took to the beach. The biggest male offence: wearing trousers without a belt on casual day.

How do I have others look up at me with respect?

The Power of Personal Integrity

As a team player with integrity, those above you and below you know that you will be honest and trustworthy in any dealings with them. You stand up for what you believe in, and you are not afraid to tell people what your beliefs are (even if those beliefs may be unpopular). A principaled worker is seen as someone who works toward the common good —never for selfish reasons.

Is is appropriate to groom in the office?

Public Grooming

Don't groom in public. Personal hygiene is just that —personal— and the place to take care of it is the restroom. Remember, too, that while it's fine to comb your hair, touch up makeup, or even brush your teeth, the restroom is not the place to enter into a lengthy beauty regimen.

How can I become more confident?

Negative Self Talk

Make it a habit to listen for negative thoughts in your mental patterns. If you catch a negative thought, immediately turn it into a positive re-statement. Example: instead of, "I will never succeed at this," override that thought with, "I am learning something new and I will master it in time!" Try to keep your positive thoughts in the present for even more success.

How can we get a casual day going?

Starting a Casual Dress Day

If your employer hasn't already instituted one, schedule a meeting with your supervisor to ask for a casual dress day. Prepare for your meeting by outlining your “casual dress plan” with a list of clothing options that will be acceptable/non-acceptable. You may also want to get a consensus vote from fellow staffers who also favor this option to help you plead your case.

How can I dress professionally in the office?

You Are What You Wear

What you wear to work sends out an all day message about you. It's important, therefore, to choose your business wardrobe carefully and send the right message —one that contributes to your on-the-job image. One way is to stay away from trendy or flashy styles and poorly constructed or ill-fitting clothing. Avoid sloppy details such as loose hems, missing buttons, scuffed shoes and the like.

Is it okay to use office supplies for personal business?

Supplies Not for Personal Use

Don't abuse the resources to which you have access. The company fax, letterhead, and office supplies are for office business only. So is an expense account. Your career and reputation are generally worth more than pilfered office supplies.

How do I manage to do my personal business if I work?

Personal Business

If you have to conduct personal business during the workday, save it for lunchtime, paying for personal calls with your credit card or calling card number, keeping doctors' appointments to the time you have free, etc.

Where do I get low cost clothes for work?

Low Cost Clothes for the Job

Even when your clothing budget is extemely limited, you can still dress well. Inventory your existing wardrobe to see where clothing gaps exist, then armed with a list of needs, check these cost-effective sources:

  • consignment (used) clothing stores
  • garage/yard sales or rummage sales
  • discount clothing retailers, discount variety stores and factory outlets

  • Is it okay to dress down in the office in order to be comfortable?

    Casual Dress Days

    Many offices have a casual dress code, or allow employees to “dress down” at least one day a week. Casual days are a relaxing of the formal rules of dress, however a professional and polished appearance is still important if you work in a business office.

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